Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Progress Update

First of all, thank you for all your comments last week. Even the negative comments, because in many ways for this sort of thing playing the devil's advocate is even more useful. Going forward, I can't say for certain what will happen, but don't expect Harem Collector-related merch until the game is almost completed. Even if I finish my business plan and I'm confident about moving forward, it'll be a long time before there are any significant changes. And, of course, working on the game itself is always the priority.

Progress is looking pretty good for next week's release. Oh, did I forget to mention that? The Backer release is on the 14th and the public release is on the 21st. I just finished up one of the new quests yesterday morning. It requires a little polish (and what doesn't in this game?) and I'm immediately diving into the second big quest that's going to drop. That second quest shouldn't take as long (I alreayd know how I'm doing it, and it's a variation on something already in the game) and as a big plus, Gurotaku already has the CGs completed.

If I get that second quest completed, I can focus my energies on something simple, like filling in the towns or something. Anyway, I'll talk to you all next week, when some of you will get the new version and others will get teased mercilessly by mysterious bug reports.

Edit:  Oh yeah, I almost forgot. There are now Dragon Age-style banter spots in the game. When the game drops, I'll actually release pics of their locations because I want people to find them, and let me know if they break flow too much.


  1. It's me again: If there is no random encounter, is there respawnable monsters? (I just wanted to know if there is a limited amount of monsters. To know if I can play relax or if I need to carefully use my loot)

    1. There is a limited amount of encounters, but if you do _everything_ you should have more than enough resources.
